
Weston’s Top Dentist Explains the Concerns About Dry Mouth

Everyone has experienced a dry mouth at least once in their lifetime. For others, this can be an everyday problem. Depending on the time and frequency of dry mouth (xerostomia), we can learn a lot from this. Occasional dry mouth can be normal from time to time. However, when dry mouth becomes more frequent it can be a sign of an underlying health problem.

What causes dry mouth?

  • Dehydration
  • Mouth Breathing
  • Medications
  • Medical conditions
  • Malfunctioning saliva glands
  • Smoking

Saliva is especially important in protecting your oral health. In a dry mouth, teeth are more susceptible to cavities, your mouth can have a burning feeling, you may have difficulty speaking and swallowing, and may lose your sense of taste. This can be very frustrating and life altering.

Why do you need saliva?

  • Neutralize bacteria
  • Strengthen teeth
  • Begin digestive process
  • Aid in taste

Solving dry mouth associated with dehydration is simple, drink more water. For all of the other causes, the solution becomes more challenging. Our first recommendations are sipping water throughout the day, chewing gum containing xylitol, using alcohol-free mouth rinse, limiting caffeine intake, and stopping smoking. If these simple remedies do not work its time to seek adjunctive care.

Products that can help

  • Neutrasal
  • Biotene
  • Oracoat
  • Sugar free candies

If you have tried all of the simple recommendations it may be time to explore the use of mouth rinses that are designed for dry mouth. We have seen patients improve their saliva flow in addition to lowering their chance of gum disease or cavities by using these. Rinsing 2-3 times per day can help change the oral environment and in turn benefit your overall health. If it is medication induced, you should speak to your physician about the medications you are taking and possible alternatives.

Overall, dry mouth is a widespread problem that rarely gets talked about. There are some definite solutions to this issue. If you are experiencing any of dry mouth symptoms, please let us know. We will be happy to discuss the plan of action.

As always, we look forward to seeing you soon.

Valentines Day Tips from Weston Florida’s Top Cosmetic Dentist

To most of us Valentines Day means flowers, candy, kissing and maybe even a glass of red wine or two. There’s no doubt your mouth plays a featured role in this holiday. Here are a few tips to make sure you are ready for the big day.

Give Flowers Not Cavities

As a kid you probably heard on the playground that you could get “couties” from kissing. While you may have changed your opinion of kissing as an adult that childhood advice wasn’t entirely wrong.  Kissing can stimulates saliva, which can actually help you to fight cavities. But if your Valentine has poor dental health, you run the risk of getting unwanted germs. If they have bacteria in their mouth that causes them cavities it can spread to you. Make sure your sweetheart is brushing twice daily and that they only give you flowers or candy not cavities this Valentine’s Day.

Take a Breath

Nobody wants bad breath especially when you are getting up close for Valentine’s Day. Bacteria is a big cause of bad breath. Of course regular brushing and flossing is essential for fresh breath but it’s sometimes not enough. After a romantic meal you can always use an ADA approved over the counter mouthwash or sugarless gum to help freshen up.

Whiten Up You Smile

There is nothing less attractive then yellow stained teeth. Valentines’ Day is a good time to think about teeth whitening. Many stains are underneath the enamel and the only effective method to reach them is having a cosmetic dentist apply a special product.

At our office, two systems are used:

  • ZOOM: This technique is a teeth bleaching accomplished in the dentist’s chair. Lips and gums are protected, and the ZOOM gel is applied to the teeth. The procedure involves three applications with a 15-minute wait time between each. Results can be dramatic.
  • Opalescence: This process is very similar except no light is used. The lips and gums are protected then the gel is applied to each tooth. Wait time is 20 minutes between applications rather than 15 but only two applications are required.

Be Sweet But Not Too Sweet

If you are giving chocolate this year remember, chocolate is good but dark chocolate is even better. Most people love it and it can be cleaned off teeth easier than most other candy. If your are giving sweets offer dark chocolate it has less sugar than milk chocolate.

Have a Happy Valentine’s Day!

Original source:

Teeth Whitening—Pembroke Pines Area’s Top Dentist on What You Need to Know

We all want that great big, white, toothy smile. But the reality is most of us also like our coffee, tea, soda and wine too. And you probably noticed by now what those all do to your teeth…they stain. If you’re like most people you want your coffee and a white smile too, so what can you do? Teeth Whitening can help remove the satins brushing can’t and give you the white smile you are looking for.


How does it work?


There are two types of tooth discoloration; surface stains and those below the enamel. A good daily oral health routine including brushing with whitening toothpaste will help remove the daily surface stains from coffee, tea and red wine. It’s the staining below the enamel Intrinsic that can’t be brushed off so easily. That’s where teeth whitening or bleaching can help.


What are the options?

There are a number of different options. We offer and in house procedure called Zoom!


Zoom! Teeth Whitening is a Simple 3 Step Procedure


  1. It begins with a short preparation that covers your lips and gums and leaves your teeth exposed.
  2. The Zoom Teeth Whitening gel is then applied, and the Zoom light is used. The gel and light and work together to gently penetrate your teeth, breaking up discoloration and stains.
  1. You can now relax and watch a TV in our office or listen to music. The gel is applied for 3, 15-minute sessions for a total teeth whitening treatment time of 45 minutes.



We also offer home the Tréswhite Supreme Home Bleaching Kit.

It’s effective and easy to use. Wear 30-60 minutes, once a day, for results in 5-10 days.


When Should I Whiten?


People will often whiten before a big event like a wedding. You may also like to have whitening done prior to any major dental work.


If you have questions about teeth whitening please feel free to call our offices for answers. We have the most comprehensive cosmetic dental services in the Pembroke Pines area. Call us today!

Sleep Deprivation Weston Sleep Disorder Dentist Explains the Risks

Weston Sleep Specialist Explains the Risks of Snoring and Sleep Deprivation


Stephen J. Pyle DDS, a Weston dentist and expert on sleep apnea wants the community to understand that persistent heavy snoring is not just an annoyance but could be a sign of a serious medical condition. If you or your partner routinely snore loudly or wake up gasping for air you may be suffering from sleep apnea.

Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when the soft tissue in the back of your throat collapses blocking your airway. Obviously when the airway is blocked oxygen is not getting to your brain, heart or other organs and muscles that thrive on oxygen. This oxygen deprivation can lead to stroke, heart attack, diabetes and an array of other serious medical conditions.

Just as dangerous as the actual oxygen deprivation is the fatigue and drowsiness that the condition can leave you with. If you are spending your night constantly interrupting your sleep due to sleep apnea you are opening yourself up other, everyday hazards that go with drowsiness.

5 Dangerous Effects of Sleep Deprivation

  1. You wouldn’t drive drunk. You know the hazards of operating a vehicle while impaired by alcohol or drugs. But did you know that driving drowsy has essentially the same effect on your reaction time as driving buzzed? According to a National Geographic documentary driving fatigued is the top cause of high-severity crashes.
  2. Studies show that women are more likely to suffer serious effects from sleep deprivation than men. Fatigue is linked to greater psychological distress and that distress appears to be more severe in females placing them at a higher risk for sleep related disease.
  3. Sleep deprivation puts you at a disadvantage when it comes to developing mental disorders such as depression. Sleep deprivation doesn’t cause depression but makes the person more susceptible to developing it than a person with a healthy, regular sleep pattern.
  4. A full night’s sleep “flushes” your brain. That sounds pretty strange but in 2013 the NIH found that a good night’s sleep does in fact flush toxins that develop during waking hours that result in a “dirty brain” if not adequately flushed at night.
  5. Finally the National Transportation Safety Board says that losing sleep degrades or impairs decision-making, reaction time, situational awareness, memory, communication to the tune of 20% to 50%.

The good news is if your poor sleep habits are caused by sleep apnea the condition can be easily treated and you can end the everyday fatigue. While Dr. Pyle cannot offer a diagnosis, as a dentist he is often the first medical professional to see the conditions that lead to sleep apnea and refers many patients to sleep disorder MDs. He works closely with those doctors to treat patients with a simple dental appliance that resembles a sports guard worn at night.

If you believe you suffer from sleep apnea, call our Weston dental office today for an exam to scan for the condition!

Weston Dental Office Offers Tips on How to Choose a Sports Guard

Our Weston Dental Office Offers These Tips on How to Choose a Sports Guard

Fall means back-to-school which for a lot of kids means back-to-sports. When it comes to sports guards contact sports like football, hockey, basketball and soccer are the ones you may think of first but your mouth and teeth are still at risk with non-contact activities like skate boarding, roller skating and horseback riding. A properly fitted sports guard is the first line of defense for both teeth and gums if your mouth is ever struck. It is essential to a sports guards’ effectiveness that they are professionally fitted. Sports guard can protect against teeth being misaligned, chipped, pulled out or forced down into the gum, wherever there is a possibility of a fall there is a possibility of damaging your mouth.

3 Types of Sports Guards

A sports guard should fit your mouth, not interfere with breathing and not interfere with speaking. Here are three types of guards available:

  1. Boil and Bite. These guards are boiled in water to make the material malleable.  The user then bites down on the guard to give it some measure of customization.  These guards are also widely available at sporting goods stores and department stores. They offer better fit and protection than stock guards but can impair breathing. They also have a shorter service life than a stock guard.
  2. Stock sports guards. These are the least expensive of the guards and are widely available. They have curved troughs made of plastic and are commonly found attached to “starter” football helmets for kids. They come in small, medium and large and offer no customization. They often don’t fit well and can obstruct breathing and fall out when the mouth is opened.
  3. Custom Fit. These guards are fabricated by your dentist from a full mouth impression. Custom fit guards offer the greatest protection to teeth and jaw, are without question the most comfortable to wear, can accommodate braces and do not interfere with breathing or speaking. They are also the most durable of the three classes of guards.

At our Weston dental practice we offer a full line of family dental services including custom sports guards for kids and adults. If you or your children can use a sports guard to better protect your mouth give us a call today and set up an appointment.

Ft Lauderdale Sleep Apnea Dentist Explains Oral Appliance Therapy

The Benefits of Oral Appliance Therapy Explained by the Fort Lauderdale Area’s Top Sleep Apnea Dentist


If your Fort Lauderdale doctor has recommended sleep apnea appliances as a therapy to correct sleep disorders you may be experiencing, Dr. Stephen J. Pyle, Fort Lauderdale’s leading expert on dental appliance therapy is happy to provide a quick rundown on how they work, what the advantages are and what your next steps should be.

If you have been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea you already know that the cause of your seemingly unstoppable snoring and feeling of fatigue is the soft tissue in the back of your throat collapsing cutting off the oxygen supply from the airway to the brain.

Here’s Where a Dental Appliance Can Significantly Improve the Quality of Your Life

A dental appliance most closely resembles a mouth guard that you may have used when playing sports or an orthodontics guard you might have used if you needed braces as a kid. The purpose of the appliance is to slightly adjust the angle of your jaw so that the soft tissue in the back of your throat can’t collapse thereby eliminating the cause of the obstruction.


The appliance itself is custom designed based on a digital x-ray or a physical mold. Dr. Pyle carefully adjusts the appliance to ensure both comfort and the desired results are achieved. Once the appliance is ready, all you have to do is install it like a mouth guard when you go to sleep and say goodbye to your spouse throwing an elbow into your side and you strangling (snoring) to get oxygen to your brain. Say hello to waking up from a restful sleep and feeling full of energy.

Why a Dental Appliance Makes Sense Over the Alternative Therapy

For decades people with Obstructive Sleep Apnea had been treated with a forced air system known as CPAP. Here’s why most patients now demand a dental appliance:

  • Appliances are natural and comfortable to use. Just slip it in your mouth and go to sleep. CPAP systems require wearing a mask connected to a hose.
  • Appliances are quiet. CPAP systems need an electric motor to pump air into the mask.
  • Appliances are travel-friendly; no special requirements needed. CPAP requires an electrical connection and space for the pump and hose.
  • Appliances are simple to keep clean and hygienic, minimizing the risk of infection.

If you have questions about sleep apnea dental appliances please feel free to call our offices for answers. We have the most comprehensive dental appliance services in the Fort Lauderdale area. Call us today!

Fort Lauderdale Sleep Apnea Dentist on the Health Effects of Snoring

Snoring and Your Health—Fort Lauderdale Sleep Apnea Dentist Offers Insights

Snoring can cause sleep deprivation for both the person snoring and those who are sleeping along with them. But snoring is much more than an annoyance. There is now clinical evidence that most people who snore have a condition called Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). If you find yourself waking up gasping for air or your spouse or partner complains about your snoring you may be at risk of this potentially fatal health condition.

There is a strong correlation between snoring and the increased risk of more serious health conditions like:

  • Carotid artery atherosclerosis
  • Brain damage
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke

What is Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

Oxygen deprivation is at the heart of the threat that OSA presents. OSA is caused when the soft tissue at the back of your throat relaxes and partially collapses cutting off the airway. The vibration of this relaxed tissue as you try to force air in and out of the airway is the sound you identify with snoring. Cutting off the airway interrupts the flow of oxygen to both the brain and heart.

How is it Treated?

Most cases are treated by creating space between the soft pallet and the tongue keeping the airway open and preventing snoring. The two most common therapies are:

  • This system works by providing a steady stream of air under pressure while the patient sleeps. The airway is kept open through the force of the air. CPAC requires that the patient wear a mask connected to a hose connected to an electric pump. It is not well tolerated and most patients abandon it after 30 days.
  • Dental appliances. These are customized devices that fit over your teeth and slightly adjust the position of the jaw. They allow for normal speech, sipping water and are extremely effective and well tolerated by patients.

If you believe you or a partner may have OSA we would encourage you to call our Weston office today and schedule an exam with Dr. Pyle.

Tips for Choosing a Weston Pediatric Dentist

What to Look for in a Pediatric Dentist Weston’s Top Family Dentist Explains


Finding a good kid dentist who has both the training to care for your child’s teeth and that your kid trusts and likes can be a hit and miss exercise unless you know what to look for. Weston pediatric dentist Stephen J. Pyle DDS has been treating kids for over a quarter century and offers some important tips for parents looking for a child dentist and who are new to the Weston/Davie area or who have a child ready for their first trip to the dentist.

How to Choose a Pediatric Dentist

One thing to keep in mind when searching for a kid dentist is geographic location is not always a limiter. Dr. Pyle has parents bringing their children to his Weston dental office from as far away as Fort Lauderdale. They find the extra drive time a small price to pay to have children who don’t have anxiety over a trip to Dr. Pyle’s place.

So here is where you want to start in your search for a pediatric dentist:

  • Ask your pediatrician for referrals
  • Ask your friends and co-workers who they take their kids to and, just as important, who have they tried and left
  • Once you have found prospective dentists find out what their training is and how long they have been treating children
  • Call the dental office or visit the dentist’s website to see what services the dentist provides children
  • Determine what dental technology the dentist uses i.e. digital x-ray, laser assisted treatment, preventive care
  • Does the dentist treat toddlers to teens
  • Is the dentist available for emergency dental care of kids

Of course nothing beats a trip to the dental office for a face to face with the dental staff and the dentist. If the office is all institutional décor and the staff appear to be all business, that’s a reflection of how the dentist runs his or her practice and that may not be the best environment to bring a kid into. That’s not to say the dentist is a bad dentist, that office may be the perfect solution for a busy adult patient whose schedule is just as tight as any health care provider but if you are put off imagine how your kid will react.

Child psychology is an important element in pediatric health care of any kind. You want a dentist with a friendly staff that welcomes children and a dentist who makes the visit a relaxed and fun experience.

At Dr. Pyle’s practice that’s the kind of office we run. If you would like more information or schedule an appointment for your child, please give us a call today to speak to our friendly staff.

Davie Area Dentist on What You Need to Know About Clear Braces

What You Need to Know About Invisalign® Clear Aligners Explained by the Davie Area Top Dentist

If you want to make your less than perfect smile “perfect” without wearing traditional metal braces consult with a dentist near Davie who can offer clear braces to align your teeth. If you are an adult (or teen) and your smile can benefit from straightening but you don’t want the inconvenience or appearance of metal braces, there is a clear plastic option called Invisalign® that may be the perfect solution for you.

Weston dentist Stephen J. Pyle DDS offers Invisalign® clear aligners because his busy adult patients prefer the convenience, appearance and ease of use over traditional metal braces. Clear braces offer a number of advantages over metal braces including:

  • Clear braces are just as effective in straightening teeth as metal braces.
  • Because the aligners are made of clear, custom fitted plastic, most people will not notice that the patient is wearing braces.
  • Clear aligners can be easily removed when eating or brushing teeth eliminating the restriction on certain types of foods metal braces require and allowing for easier brushing and flossing.
  • By their very nature, metal braces can be abrasive and irritate the inside of cheeks and lips. By comparison plastic braces are non-abrasive and more comfortable to wear.

How Do Clear Aligners Work?

The process starts much the same way a metal braces assessment does with an examination of your teeth. Invisalign® can correct many problems but not all and you will need a qualified dentist like Dr. Pyle to determine if you are a candidate for clear braces.

If you are, an impression will be taken along with a digital x-ray and sent to Invisalign. The company will create a 3D image that allows Dr. Pyle to map out a specific plan for creating the perfect bite and smile. From that map he can create a series of aligners that will gently move the teeth over time. Typically you will use a new aligner every two weeks depending on your progress. This also keeps you engaged as you can actually follow how the therapy is working rather than just showing up at the orthodontist’s office and having some wires tightened.

If you have questions about clear aligners or Invisalign specifically, call our dental office located conveniently near Davie today and speak to our friendly staff!

Davie Sleep Apnea Dentist on the Health Effects of Snoring

How Snoring Can Be an Indicator of Serious Health Issues—Davie Sleep Apnea Dentist Explains

Loud snoring can be more than a nocturnal annoyance.  It can be an audible alarm that a potentially dangerous, even deadly health condition exists.  Snoring can cause sleep deprivation for both the person snoring and those who are sleeping along with them. There is also a strong correlation between snoring and the increased risk of more serious health conditions like:

  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Carotid artery atherosclerosis
  • Brain damage

The medical community has clinical evidence that most people who snore have some level of a condition known as Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Snoring is much more than an annoyance. If your partner complains of your frequent loud snoring or if you find yourself waking up gasping for air, you need to be evaluated for your risk of Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

What is Obstructive Sleep Apnea and How is it Treated?

Essentially OAS is caused when the soft tissue at the back of your throat relaxes and partially collapses cutting off the airway. In fact the “snoring sound” is caused by the vibration of this relaxed tissue as you unconsciously try to force air in and out of the airway. Cutting off the airway interrupts the supply of oxygen to both the brain and heart not to mention the other organs in your body. This oxygen deprivation is at the heart of the threat that OSA presents.

While some cases of obstructive sleep apnea can be “cured” surgically, most are “treated” by creating space between the soft pallet and the tongue keeping the airway open and preventing snoring. The two most common therapies are:

  • Dental appliances. These are customized devices that fit over your teeth and slightly adjust the position of the jaw. They allow for normal speech, sipping water and are extremely effective and well tolerated by patients.
  • CPAC. This system works by providing a steady stream of air under pressure while the patient sleeps. The airway is kept open through the force of the air. CPAC requires that the patient wear a mask connected to a hose connected to an electric pump. It is not well tolerated and most patients abandon it after 30 days.

See a Trained Weston Dentist or Sleep Disorder Specialist

Not surprisingly, a dentist like Dr. Pyle who is trained in identifying sleep apnea can be the first healthcare provider who spots the symptoms while performing a routine dental exam. Dr. Pyle refers his patients to a sleep disorder M.D. for diagnosis and then works closely with that doctor to craft a custom dental appliance for the patient.

If you believe you or a partner may have OSA we would encourage you to call our Weston office today and schedule an exam with Dr. Pyle.